
Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Line

There are some things that I haven't had to think about until the Bush and Obama administrations. Where do you draw the line? Do you even have a line? I don't like to have to think about things like this, but I have no choice.

The government decides you need a forced inoculation, they show up at your door. "Mr Lahoma, time for your flu shot." I draw the line there. I'll fight to the death before I take that shot.
What will you do Mr. "I don't think citizens should have guns?" I bet you will take their shot and smile while getting it if they tell you to. Here's my advise, throw all your anti-gun bullshit in the garbage, wake up, get a gun, be ready to use it.

(You could even secretly get a gun and keep right on with your anti-gun rhetoric, your friends would never have to know that you were quietly covering all the bases.)

Other lines of mine:

"Mr. Lahoma, we are here to take away your guns."

"Mr. Lahoma, we are here to provide “involuntary transportation” to the nearest Quarantine Camp.

"Mr Lahoma, we are here to take you to jail because you haven't paid your $1000 a day fine for not taking your Swine Flu shot."

I could go on all day with these but my main point is...

Do you have a line?


  1. like i nearly 66 and I have never had a flu shot and not going to start now..I hope they allow my computer and internet service while I sit in a jail cell..

  2. I've never taken them either, I don't think I've ever had the flu, maybe once.

  3. i had the asian flu back in 1971...only time i had in and lived in calif at the time and everyone fuckng had it..

  4. I get a flu shot every year and I've never had the flu. I remember when we got 2 one year...last time we had a swine flu scare. Who's trying to force people to get them?

  5. It won't ever come to that here. Massachusetts is where they are getting crazy with it.
    I think Ok is pretty reasonable, like they may force a food worker to stop working and stay at home until he is over it.


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