
Sunday, August 09, 2009

Health Care

I don't know a whole lot about the health care situation except that there are many people that need to see a doctor but cannot afford it. In the legal system, if you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense. Why not make it the same way with doctors? Almost always a lawyer that you hire will be better than a court appointed lawyer. It would be the same way with doctors, but it's better than nothing. Besides if a person could go see a doctor before his problem got real bad it might be cheaper to treat than if he waited until he had to go to the E.R.
In France (I think) they pay pregnant women to get prenatal health care because in the long run it is much cheaper than having them just show up at the E.R. in labor with all sorts of complications that could have been prevented. I'm not saying that I support Obama's bill. I don't know what's in it and I don't think very many other people really do either, but having it set up the same way the legal system provides lawyers seems like a logical solution to me.

If you don't think there are people out there that need health care, check out this one example.Remote Area Medical


  1. I agree. I don't know everything that's in the plan either, but what I know sounds ok to me. I've had government provided health care my entire adult life and it's been ok so far. We definitely need to do something different.

  2. i don't think anyone knows what's in obama's bill. reading over 1000 pages of legalese and footnotes is pretty tough. who the hell is going to remember page 47 by the time they get to page 913?

    i'll bet obama hasn't read the whole thing. shit, it probably changes everyday as it gets fine tuned.

  3. if i hear them assholes use the word socialist again about the health care plan i will bip someone..i want to go to one of the town hall meets and have one of them or a bunch of them assholes try and rough shod over my by yelling and screaming..even sober at 65 i can kick they're asses..

  4. I know little about the bill either which is bad because I should learn more so I can be better informed if I want to discuss it with family and friends. Anyway if it is set up the same as the legal system then that seems logical to me.

  5. Why we don't have health care for all is a mystery to me. Aren't we supposed to be civilized? Don't we care about others? Are we really that narsissistic? (I have health care and you don't. That's your problem!)

    I think the real evil at the heart of the matter (greed) is the money man in the middle -INSURANCE COMPANIES!

    YellowDog - You lead the charge - I'll be right behind you!

  6. The real truth is...there is no bill! There is a 1000 page document that was approved by one committee to be sent to another committee. That's how Congress works. Each committee adds and subtracts things until there is a bill. Right now, we don't even have a bill.


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