
Friday, July 17, 2009

Ned's Charging

I glanced at the caller I.D., "I wonder who keeps calling from Ned's Charging?" "Thay've been callin' every day for a week." "They'd better stop, I'm fixin to get pissed off at em!"

UPON FURTHER EXAMINATION, Tex realized that the phone didn't say "Ned's Charging" it said "Needs Charging"


  1. YDG - That pesky Ned's Charging finaly quit calling.

    Billy - Stuff a body in his trunk?

  2. That is funny stuff right there. I think we all have had days like this. Thanks for sharing and I hope that phone got charged up.

  3. Crazy4 - I think I'm losing it.

    Mr Shife - All charged up.

    Joy - I'm back.


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