
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Incident at 7-11

I went into a convenience store yesterday to buy some libations and I saw a boy that must have been around ten or eleven. A voice in my head said "You little rip-off!" I knew he was stealing something, somehow. I grabbed a twenty pack of Bud Select and looked to see if he went to the counter to pay for anything. Nope, he walked right out the door. He hopped on a green bike and pedaled away. I chased him down in my car, thew a full bottle of beer at him. It hit him in the head and knocked him out. I searched him, no stolen articles. As I drove away from the unconscious boy, I thought to myself, "Stupid voices!"

The first half of this story is true.


  1. i knew you'd be too smart to throw away a full bottle of beer.

    would you chase down bernie madoff and toss a beer at him?

  2. You actually wasted an entire bottle of beer????

  3. you would have chased him down and asked him if he had any reefer..

  4. I'm with Jackiesue, Tex. But it was funny story!!

  5. Billy - When I wrote this I was thinking I'd never really throw a FULL beer at a kid.
    Joy - No way!
    YDG - I took his weed when he was knocked out.
    ST - Everyone seems to know me pretty well.

  6. LOL

    what the heck is in the water down there in OK?


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