
Friday, May 29, 2009

Fire breaks out on Italian fairy, all safe

ROME – Fire broke out Friday on an Italian fairy.
Vincenzo Florio was traveling from the mainland port of Naples to Palermo, the Sicilian capital, when he erupted into flames.
"I just kept shouting, someone put that man out!" passenger Stefano Frisco told Sky 24 television "I heard one cruel comment about a REAL flaming gay!"
The cause of the fire was still being investigated.


  1. this is all kinds of wrong - that said, I laughed out loud. :-)

  2. Rocky - You should see the things I decide not to post!

  3. i love it when you have too much time on your hands..

    babs and i have decided that sooner has turned into a little ole lady...fixing up the yard, planting flowers, naming them after his finally happened...sooner has turned into a pussy..hahah

  4. YDG - I know what you mean, a friend of ours that we don't get to see very often came down last weekend. He got a new gun and wanted to go shooting. We tried to get sooner to go with us but he was too busy working in his yard!


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