
Saturday, April 11, 2009


  1. ok, you've almost got me there..but lets say it's true, there is no such thing as global warming...but the fact remains we need to stop poluting the waters, skies, and our lungs with all this crap. and if wrapping it up with 'global warming'..gets it stopped..well..?
    but it's not about that is it?'s about the money..feckity

  2. I agree about pollution, but we shouldn't put up with being lied to, just so they can get more taxes out of us. They should do it the other way around, give tax breaks for going green.

  3. corporate progaganda, plain and simple.

    even if you deny global warming, the average person has about 200 toxins in his body due to industrial activity.

  4. Billy - I don't deny global warming.
    I deny man made global warming.
    People seem to think if you don't jump on the man made global warming bandwagon that you are for pollution, I'm not.

  5. can we agree that human activity is accelerating global warming?

  6. We can agree that human activity adds CO2 to the atmosphere.

  7. I have to go with mainstream science on this one. I understand the warm/cold cycles, but I suspect industrial activity has made us approach a tipping point where the planet will not be able to complete its cycle without drastic geologic activity...that may or may not be compatible with human life. Meanwhile, I'm learning to swim.

  8. Joy - It looks like the people on your side of the issue are going to win. None of us really have any way of knowing what's going on with global warming or cooling, it just depends on who we listen to. So in my eyes you're listening to the wrong people and in your eyes, I'm listening to the wrong people. On this particular issue, we may never know who's right, just who won.

  9. I'll save you a spot on the ark...just in case. I want to have interesting people around.


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