
Monday, December 01, 2008

Marijuana Nation

Tuesday December 2 9PM
National Geographics EXPLORER

Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug on the planet. In most countries, this plant is illegal; some brand it as dangerous; others seem to look the other way. In the U.S. the federal government places it in the same category as heroin. Across the globe, bold growers plant gardens in national forests, national parks and suburban homes converted into greenhouses. Scientists who study this plant consider it among the most complex in the plant kingdom with 400 active chemicals and compounds. And in California alone, the marijuana trade out paces the entire wine industry, placing it among the largest cash crops in the United States. Intertwined with culture, economics, law enforcement and perhaps medical miracles, this plant holds both peril and promise. Join National Geographics EXPLORER as we investigate the state of marijuana.


  1. now there's a way to raise money for the economy...instead of growing corn for ethanol..grow up all them fucking corn fields and grow some weed..we'd be out of fucking debt in a year..

  2. it's legal to grow in canada if you have a license. the license will only let you grow a few plants which basically legal.

  3. Yep YDG, they could also make bio-diesel out of weed or hemp.

    Billy, Canada seems to be a lot more realistic about dealing with pot than the U.S. If the feds would just leave the states alone it would help.

  4. mojo has a growers license..she is allowed to grow so many acres and since she doesn't live in mendicino country any more..she leases her license to her friend who growns it, and gives her part of it..
    every one in mendicino country has a license to grow it..the judges, the police, everyone...

  5. Wow, that's mind blowing here where you can get ten years for growing.

  6. It's worse than I thought!

    1000 plants or less felony
    2 years - life
    More than 1000 plants felony
    20 years - life


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