
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year

Scientists who predicted that the North Pole could be “ice free” this summer as a result of global warming have been embarrassed after it was revealed that Arctic ice has actually grown by around 30 per cent in the year since August 2007.

A top observatory that has been measuring sun cycles for over 200 years predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next two decades as solar activity grinds to a halt and the planet drastically cools down.

While the mass media, Al Gore and politicized bodies like the IPCC scaremonger about the perils of global warming and demand the poor and middle class pay CO2 taxes, both hard scientific data and circumstantial evidence points to a clear cooling trend.

How man-made global warming advocates will spin this one remains to be seen - maybe they will just continue to adopt their current tactic by claiming that any geological or weather event whatsoever, be it hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts or floods, temperature increase or decrease, and even a 30 per cent growth of the polar ice cap - is a result of that evil gas that we exhale - CO2.


  1. how about antarctic ice? that's the place that's falling apart faster than a chinese motorcycle.

    i still say we have too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  2. Yea, I was wondering the same...Antarctic ice.

    Saw your message, no need to forewarn me...I love it when my friends/fellow bloggers question and look at both sides of the story - thanks for the article - do you have the source? I'd like to read more. I'm gonna brush up on some other env. stuff now that I have a bit more time.


  3. someone better tell the polar bears flating away on the last ice berg and the penquins at the antartic...

  4. Some of the best minds in science believe in man made global warming, so who am I to argue with them? But I will shine a light on every piece of evidence that I happen across that challenges their theories. Science is very fluid, it changes a lot so the jury isn't really in yet.

    Billy, I know strange things are happening with the climate but maybe it's not co2, it could be methane. (I've had a lot of gas lately.)
    Thanks Tina,
    (Doing his best Rodney Dangerfield impression - tugs @ collar)
    "You're alright kid!"
    YDG, I'm not gonna tell 'em...You tell 'em.

  5. hahaha@ your gas :)

    Hey there - Happy New Year guy - I wish you all the best! :)

  6. But what of the Antarctic down south? Figures tell us that ice coverage in the year since August 2007 has grown by nearly one million square kilometers.


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