
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Strange Dream

I had a strange dream last night. I was at work and heard a helicopter, looked out the door and there were three or four black helicopters evenly spaced in a line flying very low. I was like "Oh shit, this can't be good!"
Then one of them looked like it was landing in front of this big garage type building. I turned away for a second then looked back at it. The front of the helicopter was already in the building, the tail end was still sticking out. The strange thing was that the building's door wasn't open. The tail end of it slowly disappeared through the closed door. You know kind of like a ghost going through a door, only this looked solid. I thought "Oh shit!" "I'm not suppose to see this kind of technology!"
That was the end of the dream.

Here is an X-Ray taken shortly after the dream. I must have still had helicopters on my mind.


  1. now that's a strange dream..want me to look it up in the dream book?..although helicopters ending up is a persons belly is going to be hard to pin down..ha

  2. It was a very clear dream. I might have had it because there was an airplane flying around a lot the other day at work. Work is on the outer edge of town and the plane seemed to be flying in a search grid. (Most planes just fly over in a straight line) I was thinking that they might be looking for pot plants like last year. I think I just figured out my own dream!
    Government aircraft doing bad things.


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