
Friday, November 07, 2008

If ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise

ANCHORAGE — Former Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has returned to Alaska after her whirlwind 68-day exposure to America’s national political scene, but the controversy over her vice-presidential candidacy shows no sign of abating.

As the state governor stepped off a plane in Anchorage on Wednesday, she faced fresh allegations over her behaviour on the campaign trail and renewed attacks on her lack of readiness for the White House. Many of the attacks were from disgruntled aides within John McCain’s campaign.

The most piercing allegation concerned Palin’s ignorance of foreign affairs — which were depicted to be even more extreme than already thought.
Fox News reported that aides were astonished when they learned she was unaware that Africa was not a country but a whole continent. She was also said to be unable to name the countries that belong to the North American Free Trade Agreement.


  1. McCain would have been better off with a 5th grader as vice-president.

    "She's Sarah Palin and she's not smarter than a fifth grader or even a second grader."

  2. Jon Stewart said she's now been tagged and released back into the wild. Good plan. Another one would be a long snowmobile ride with half a tank of gas.

  3. i have sooooo been enjoying jon stewart since the election..he's hysterical..


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