
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Phil, the drummer.

Joe, the plumber.


  1. We have an actual Joe the Plumber here in OKC. He's done lots of work at our place. Sort of a free spirit type guy who only answers the phone when he needs money. But a great plumber! I think the guy in the news isn't even a plumber, just a Republican plant who tried to ask a difficult question that they could use against Obama in some way.

  2. I agree Billy. Although, Mr. Clean looks pretty cool.

    Joy, if Joe the Plumber makes more than $250,000 a year, I don't blame him for voting for McCain. What gets me is when I drive by a tiny little house with a beat up old car in the driveway and a McCain/Palin sign in the yard. It's like "Well they fooled another one."

  3. I know what you mean. We have quite a few of those around here. As always in Ok, it's about guns, God and gays. They think Democrats want to take their guns away, make everyone gay and shut down all the churches. Then there's the abortion thing. There was a letter to the editor in the OKC paper the other day that said the economy was just too complicated for us to understand, so we should vote for McCain because he's opposed to abortion.

  4. Joy, I think McCain should have talked about gun rights more but I'm glad he was too stupid to do so. Gun issues are the only thing that the Republicans have to offer someone like me. It's like the Republicans know that strict gun laws don't work because anyone that wants a gun can easily get one, even if it's illegal.
    Why they can't apply that same logic to abortions is beyond me. There thinking is inconsistent. Maybe they like the good old back alley abortion days.

  5. that poor guy. his life will never be the he wished he'd just kept his mouth shut

  6. yea that guy isnt even a plumber, just planted ...


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