
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Palin vetoed $275,000

Palin cut funding for Alaska Special Olympics

Campaigning in Colorado today, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) promised renewed attention to kids with special needs. She declared, “Ever since I took the chief executive’s job up North
I pushed for more funding for students with special needs,” and cited her own family’s experience with the issue.

It’s a stretch to say she “pushed” for any policy improvements.

Though Palin did sign a law increasing special education funding in Alaska,
“she had no role whatsoever”
in its development, according to the bill’s author, Rep. Mike Hawker (R). Moreover, as governor,
Palin vetoed $275,000 in Special Olympics Alaska funds (Page 100, SB 221 with vetoes), slashing the organization’s operating budget in half.


  1. this is starting to go beyond being funny.

    isn't alaska the place where everyone gets a fat cheque just for living there?

  2. Was she for it before she was against it or against it before she was for it?


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