
Saturday, September 06, 2008

As far as I know

As far as I know the people of Iran are a lot like us. They have homes, they have jobs and their children go to school. I think that they are just as sane as we are. Not many of us want our country to be destroyed. Not many of us want to have a nuclear war, especially with a country that has more nukes than we do. So why on Earth do so many people think that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, they will attack the U.S. with them? It would obviously be suicide. Personally, I think that we should stop all sanctions against them, trade with them and otherwise leave them alone.

"Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal." SUPERTRAMP the logical song


  1. all im saying is.....give peace a chance....

    yeah, right..

  2. i think they'll aim them the nukes at israel.

    does the u.s. control israel or does israel control the u.s.?

  3. Oldie but a goody YDG.

    Good question Billy!
    I've often wondered why we help them so much.

  4. I knew several Iranian military officers over the years. We had an exchange program with them during the Shah's days in power. They were just regular people with families and lives. They liked sports and put on really great parties. I've often wondered what happened to them.


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