
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Oklahoma Temp Watch

11:30 A.M. 94 Degrees Fahrenheit
3:52 P.M. 105 Degrees Fahrenheit
4:31 P.M. 106 Degrees Fahrenheit
4:52 P.M. 108 Degrees Fahrenheit
5:10 P.M. 109 Degrees Fahrenheit (43 C)
5:30 P.M. 108 Degrees Fahrenheit
7:10 P.M. 106 Degrees Fahrenheit


  1. hell, it's a tropical paradise's 107 tomorrow with heat index at over 110...arghghgh....

  2. Enjoy, YDG.

    Billy I have a Galaxy fan that I found in a dumpster. Not just any dumpster but a "Big Dump" dumpster. Guess what color Big Dump dumpsters are. Yep, you guessed it, brown. Classy huh?

  3. I'm advising everyone to go to all family dollar stores on thursday nights ...they throw stuff away that you wouldn't believe..clothes that may have a button boxes of candy, toys with battery out, etc..and thursday's we wd40's called something else but can't ever remember it so call it wd40..they won't give it away as they make more money on the product by scanning it as trash and then write it off...can't donate it to any organization check the dump behind all the family dollars...lots of good stuff...some lady from caritas comes by all the time and then sells it at the shop...about 15 leather headbands, a box of chocolate never been opened(the larg boxes of dark chocolate squares) but was on the experation date...such a waste..


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