
Monday, February 18, 2008

Make That Drop

Our little white dog loves squeaky toys, he got a new one the other day and he learned a new trick to do with it. He drops it in the toilet! He looks so proud of himself for thinking of that all on his own. My daughter, being completely grossed out by this, pretended to flush it down the toilet. We'll have to see if this breaks him from it.


  1. My little poodle (deceased for several years) used to do the same thing. I guess he thought that was a good storage location.

  2. human toilet, dog's water dish. he's like a raccoon washing his shellfish.

    i had a shepherd/lab cross that dropped his hard rubber ball in our fish pond and then dove in to retrieve it off the bottom.

    i had to fill the pond in with dirt.

  3. hope he doesn't become a retriever and bring you 'stuff' from the toilet..

  4. ha nice - my cats drop things in the water dish and one of them drinks from the toilet - thinks he is a dog i guess ;)

    Joy? I think that is my Aunt up there. I think it is. :) hehe

  5. Joy, poodles are french and so are bichons. It might be a french thing!

    Maybe so BP. I bet the dog was like "But Billy, the ball was in there, I had no choice!"

    YDG, I hope that thought never crosses his little doggy mind.

    Tina is your cat french?

  6. If you give the dog a swirly, he'll probably never go near the toilet again.
    Hold on... I think PETA's knocking down my door again...

  7. Babs, the swirly didn't work, I think he kinda liked it!


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