
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Duma Key Psychic Strangeness

Shelly is reading Duma Key by Steven King. She says it starts out slow but gets pretty good. Since she has been reading that book a couple of odd things have happened. Our little white dog got a new squeaky toy, we like to name them because he will go get the one that you tell him to, like "Go get dragon." and most of the time he will bring you the right one. My daughter named the new one Pursey. It kind of freaked Shelly out because one of the characters in the book is named Pursey (not sure about the spelling but that doesn't matter). This morning at the kitchen table, I had a strange urge to draw a little tree, which I did. (kind of like the mashed potatoes mountain on Close Encounters of the third kind) Shelly saw it and asked "What's that?" I said "Oh just a futuristic tree that I had an urge to draw." She immediately started flipping through the pages of the book and showed me a little drawing from the book. It was a simplistic tree very much like the one I drew. Neither my daughter nor I had even looked in the book. Shelly hasn't finished it yet, I'm wondering what strangeness will happen next.


  1. uh oh! for your life..none of the stories that start out like this, end up good for the hero..ha

  2. I love Stephen King... I've read lots of his stories. I think YDG is right. You should run or at least stop drawing things!

  3. sounds like god has taken an interest in you.

    or you're smoking too much you know what.

  4. YDG, I'll just be glad when she's finished with the book.
    Joy, I've banded myself from drawing.
    BP, or maybe that's why god has taken an interest in me.

  5. Wooo that reads even better when I’ve had a cone or two.

    How special/creepy is that!

    HaHa *scream* FFS’s Tex it’s baNNed!

  6. Let me know when the movie about the book and your family comes out.
    Of course, by then... y'all will be chasing each other with knives. And watch out what the dog retrieves next.....

  7. Apos, I'm not surprised. ;)

    Babs, "The Duma Key Curse"
    "Just an ordinary family in an ordinary house in a ordinary town doing ordinary things...Until
    "Daddy don't work no more, just draws trees."
    "Mamma just reads that there Duma book over and over." "I don't go to school no more, I just think of names." "Damn that book!"


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