
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mommy my Cookie Tastes Funny

Let's say I work at a cookie company, my job is quality control. I noticed a guy (I'll call him B.S.) that I work with faking the results of tests, nothing harmful so I kept my mouth shut. (BTW B.S. is slightly higher up in Q.C. than I am) Then I notice him skipping a step in quality control that could be potentially dangerous to the customers. It made me mad, so I went to very high up in the company and told them what he was doing. They said bring us proof. Now that's a tall order but I tried and was able to bring them proof that B.S. had changed the results of my test (my tests showed that there was a problem) he changed them to make it look like everything was up to standards. They haven't done anything about it and B.S. continues to falsify test results. What should I do? I could go to the news, they would be very interested in what B.S. and the higher ups are doing but I would probably loose my job. I could go to a government enforcement agency but that is also risky. My higher ups even warned me that one of the dangers of doing that would be B.S., he is a very accomplished liar and might be able to convince them that it was all my fault somehow. Somethings got to give, I guess I'll wait until the next "company meeting" but if nothing is done, I'm going to do something. Any advice is welcome.


  1. Don't know what to tell ya, sounds like a lose lose situation. Unless you can get some fool proof evidence sounds like it's your word against his and with the corporate world what it is, your word wouldn't count for much.

    Work sucks, dosn'te

  2. you've already alerted your boss, the ball's in his court. maybe you could send an e-mail that generates a receipt so you have record of informing your supervisor.

    based on your actions and the wealth of the company, there could be a real nice lawsuit if anything should happen.

  3. You're right JB maybe I should just let it ride for a while.
    Good Idea Billy. Luckily there is one higher up person that knows what a scum B.S. is and knows who all I've notified.
    BTW these "cookies" are not a national brand and are only distributed locally.

  4. is there any way you can bring a cell phone in and take pictures of him doing it?...good luck tex...i can come up and bip him ..
    oh so it's ok to croak someone locally as apposed to country wide?...hmmm,

  5. YDG, no, I can't really do that but I have all kinds of proof that he has changed my records and that's illegal. He has the regulating agency guy fooled, for now. I can't understand the head (cookie company) guy not doing anything. He has to sign something saying that the test are correct as far as he knows. Now he knows that they are not correct. One of these days it will be like that song. "Send lawyers guns and money, the shit has hit the fan."

  6. Note to self... do not buy "cookies" in OK.
    Sounds like a crappy situation.


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