
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oklahoma Christmas

What does an Oklahoman do when he doesn't have a star for the top of the tree?


  1. well, since I'm in texas where we have an abundance of 'stars'...i don't have that I stole one from wolf's bar..

  2. Tex, you're a star yourself, why the hell do you need one on your tree?

    Happy Holidays. I remember making tin foil stars when we were kids. Didn't know that we were poor, I just thought that was what you did at Christmas, make paper chains, string popcorn and crinkle up foil stars. Ahhhhhh, the good ol' days

  3. i was at the used shit shop and found a mavrick basketball ball for a tree..snatched it right up for a bargain price of .50cents...


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