
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Strategic Thanksgiving

Since there will be plenty of food for everyone, drop the usual shoving kids and elderly out of your way when you here "Come and get it!". You can be polite one day of the year and it might help fade your wolf-like reputation around food. Concentrate on eating the things that you don't usually get. Stuffing, lots of stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. You've got to get some of those sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. Forget the ridiculous advise that you saw on tv, "Stay away from Pee-Can (pecan) pie.". First of all no one in these parts is going to listen to anybody that says "Pee-Can" that is something you use on long trips with no bathroom breaks! And besides this is the one day of the year that it is not only acceptable to pig-out, it is expected of you.
It's not what you do one day of the year that matters, it is what you do all of the other days, so go for it!


  1. what is it with that canned cranberry sauce with the rings of the can still indented on it?..that shit is icky...I ate a small bit of the baked macaroni/cheese that I made, one spoonfull of the mashed taters,one spoonfull of the dressing and stacked up on turkey and ham....had one peice of the pie that jenny made(chocolate cream with hunks of candy bars in it..oh man was it good)....and now I'm afraid to go check my blood sugar...sigh*...but will last me till christmas when I can do it all over again..then good for another year..hope your's was as good as mine...and people that say pe..can...for pacan should be asskicked....

  2. Yeah, I think a little bit of jelly taste better than the canned cranberry sauce anyway. I had a great Thanksgiving, glad yours was good too.


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