
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bob Yanked

What a day.
Everything at work went pretty well, that should have been a warning sign but I paid it no heed. About 4:30 one of Sonny's friends showed up at work. He had gone by the house and saw Bob out front, by himself. So he hooked Bob to a cable and hooked the other end to a water faucet. Then guess what happened. Yep, Bob yanked the faucet, pipe and all out of the ground.
So what you've got there is a pit bull mastiff hooked to a cable that is hooked to a faucet and pipe laying on the ground that is hooked to the water hose.
So now I'm sitting here waiting for two hours to go by.
The PVC glue should be dry by then and I can finally take a shower.
What a day.


  1. bob must have thought, "piece of cake, is this the best they can do?"

  2. Maybe I should start a fly by night plumbing company, when things get slow I could hook bob up to the faucet of a nice house.

  3. that's my kinda dog..when my dog bill was a puppy, maybe 6 months old my sons tied him to a tire, with rim etc..pretty heavy...they looked up from working on their cars to see Bill dragging the tire down the road..was about 9 houses down the road before they caught him...and about the time we tied Nate the pittybull dog to the bumper to the van? know how that turned out dontcha?


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