
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Still trying to blame Iraq for 9-11

Don't be brainwashed by war mongers.

When the children ask "What happened to Daddy's leg(S)?"

I understand the urge to say

"He lost his legs fighting terrorist that attacked America."

But that would be a huge lie.

I can understand not wanting to say

"Because your Daddy was gullible, very brave but gullible, he believed the lies of the president."

"If this war keeps going, you too can decide to go to Iraq and lose your life or various body parts."

"Hey, you might not even have to decide, if the government starts a draft."

(I realize that some of the soldiers in Iraq joined the military hoping to fight in Afghanistan. Although most of the people blamed for 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia. Some say that if the military were to go after who is really responsible for 9-11, soldiers would be stationed in Washington D.C.)


  1. there's a hole in daddy's arm where all the money goes.

  2. they would be stationed right outside the crawford compound also..and i agree with rube


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