
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Republican Party

It was a party that seemed tame, even lame in the front room. People were talking about how much God loves them and about how terrible the gays are and how God hates them. They were talking about how rich people deserve tax breaks, you know to...stimulate the economy, yeah that's the ticket! They were talking about immigration and how bad illegal aliens were. But in the back room it was a different story.
Two congressmen, a senator and Jesus were engaged in a bizarre homosexual four way. (Jesus is the illegal alien gardener/sex toy, that they are kind enough to let live under the porch.)


  1. didn't the roman senators do the same things in the public baths?

    what's the world coming to when a poor senator has to abide by laws that were enacted for inferior life forms?

  2. I heard he wore tap shoes, all the better to bathroom stall signal with!


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