
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Clean up our dump Tex

(Pic is trash we found at the dump with names on it, note the evidence bag in the upper left corner, seems the cops did a little dumping of their own.)
I got a call from work, they told me I need to call a certain county cop. I call him, he informs me that he found dumped trash with my sons name in it. I have three choices, clean it up, pay to have the county clean it up or he can arrest me right now. I tell him "We'll clean it up." So now I'm real pissed at my son. He comes home, we talk about it. The cop told me that my sons name is the only one that we could find. I tell my son (Who I am very close to, he knows I will only help him when he gets in trouble. There might be hell to pay later but we deal with the problem first.) His reaction surprised me, it was anger and outrage, not the reaction of a guilty soul. We found the place the cop described, it's a huge illegal dump that looks like it's been there for years. Right near the entrance we saw some trash that looked familiar. (Sounds funny but your own trash is easy to recognize.)
Neither one of us has ever been there. It looked like someone grabbed a bag of trash from our front yard on trash day. I was expecting it to be all Sonny's trash but it was family trash. We picked up everything that was ours and then some but the huge dump remains. We figured the cops stopped looking as soon as they found a name, so we looked for about ten minutes and found about ten names. So now if they want to haul me off to jail they can but I'm gonna holler like a stuck pig. I'm calling a lawyer tonight, they are in for a (legal) fight. There is more to this story than meets the eye but I won't go into that right now. One possible explanation to this is that someone was looking to get credit card numbers or to get info for identity theft.


  1. wait a minute , did i read that right? You can get in trouble with the law for throwing away garbage with your name on it? huh? hmmm

  2. you can get anything you want at alice's restaurant.

  3. Tina, my trash was found in an illegal dump site. Even though I set it out for the garbage truck to pick up. I guess someone "stole" my trash then threw it out there. So if you get mad at someone, steal their trash and dump it on a country road, make sure their name is in some of the trash.

  4. heh heh they'll have to get up bloody earlier than THAT if they are wanting to stick it up Tex. arhaaha how good is that finding the evidence bag.

    do you know who the evidence was taken from; is that on the bag?

  5. Apos, the evidence bag just had a control number on it, nothing else.
    Some of the names we found were from fine upstanding citizens from our town. We have no limit on trash amounts and they pick it up twice a week, so it doesn't make since for them to drive miles to dump trash. Now the cops are starting to see that maybe something else is going on.


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