
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I don't want to know!

Ever see those warning labels that say something like "It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner that is inconsistent with labeling"? I don't know about you, but my mind immediately says "You can use this shit for something else!" "I wonder what it is. I wonder why they don't want you to do it."
But some things are best not pursued. Kind of like a couple of years ago an inmate at work was remembering the good ol' days when he cooked meth. He said with great anticipation, "I can teach you how." (I ran that scenario through my mind real quick, I wound up as his cell mate!) "Thanks anyway man, there are some thing you're just better off not knowing." He shrugged his shoulders, grinned and said
"Can't argue with that."


  1. I like the stupid ones that tell you stupid tv dinners...take out of box before putting in oven....wait a minute..I did that with my first tv dinner when I first got married...never mind.....

  2. i heard you could get an erection that lasts 4 hours if you don't read the instructions on the label.


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