
Friday, January 12, 2007

Still Here

Well, so far so good. We've had freezing rain most of the day, the electricity is still on but I doubt that it will last through this whole storm which should be over Sunday night, I think. Okc got mostly sleet but we are getting freezing rain, the kind that builds up on power lines. I was surprised to see that the storm is stretching clear up by Chicago. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were suppose to have a concert in the City (OKC) tonight but they cancelled it, thank God. My daughters boyfriend won forth row floor tickets and I wasn't looking forward to telling her that she couldn't go in this weather. I better go check on the fire and bring in my harvest of beer from the local stores, better safe than tex without beer!


  1. I offered to send porn to sooner...he's hunkered down with smokes and beer...good's supposed to get here either this weekend or by middle of week..hell, it's texas..don't they know better than to perdict weathter here..

  2. those geriatric chili peppers have to be cooling down soon.

  3. I'll make sure to get up early and check his mail before he does. Sooner's probably up on his roof sheilding his satalite dish from the ice, he gets the NFL network.
    RR I don't think the kids know how long they've been around!


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