
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Good news, unless you want to be drafted

Democratic Leaders Reject Idea of Draft
Pelosi and Others Predict Cool Reception in Congress for Any Conscription Bill

By Charles Babington and Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, November 21, 2006; Page A04

The new Democratic-controlled Congress will not seriously consider reinstating the draft, even if concerns about the military's strength and resiliency grow, party leaders said yesterday.

Key Democrats, including the incoming House speaker, House majority leader and chairmen of the House and Senate armed services committees, said they do not support a resumption of the draft. They predicted that the idea will gather little momentum in the 110th Congress, which convenes in January. Pentagon officials also restated their opposition to a draft.


  1. Sometimes I am glad I am an old woman. :)

  2. Cruising by to say Have a happy Turkey Day!! I'll come back to read more when there isn't a foreign object in my eye lol this sux.


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