
Cop Viciously Attacked by Instant Karma

Adan Salazar April 18, 2014 A California sheriff’s deputy is feeling the sting of humiliation after he attempted to shoot a fenced-in dog, but failed, succeeding only in shooting himself.

Footage shows docile canine playing with children.

Pedophilia Rampant In Hollywood

(FEDERALJACK)   The recent allegations made against multiple Hollywood bigwigs about child rape by a former child star shed light again on a subject that seems to be one of the biggest secrets that nobody wants to talk about. The problem of rampant pedophilia in Hollywood.

Full Story at

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Gun advocates credit new concealed carry laws for sharp drop in Chicago murder rate

The Washington Times

Chicago police are reporting that the murder rate for the first quarter of the year is the lowest it’s been in more than 50 years, which gun advocates are attributing to a concealed carry law passed in Illinois last year.

The first three months of 2014 have seen the fewest number of homicides since 1958 — six fewer than this time in 2013, and 55 fewer than this time in 2012, The Chicago Sun-Times reported.

Shooter Jennings - Lonesome Blues

It's cloudy and cool today with on and off rain showers.

A guy could get the blues if he weren't careful.