
Friday, December 11, 2009

What if we had a President and not a Puppet?

What if we had a president and not a puppet?
The wars are over, troops are coming home.
We say no to one world government, no to global taxes, no UN troops anywhere near the USA.
We legalize all drugs, tax and regulate them like alcohol. The only drug laws are to keep drugs out of the hands of minors.
We don't fine people or imprison them if they can't afford insurance. There is free medical care for those who can't afford it, much like public defenders for those who can't afford a lawyer. (Not as good as one that you pay for but still, better than nothing.)
We base laws on the constitution and individual rights.
The Patriot Act is overturned, never to return again.
A real investigation of 9/11 is started.
The true criminals behind 9/11, no matter how powerful, are brought to justice.
There is a full investigation into Climategate, those who knowingly took part in falsifying data are imprisoned, Al Gore is the most famous inmate on cell block C.


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