
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mary Fallin makes strong statement


  1. YDG, she is U.S. Representative Mary Fallin, 5th District Oklahoma.

    She's the one that always said "I believe in faith, family and freedom!" Hypocrite deluxe, she was screwing around with her bodyguard highway patrol officer, while married with children. That being adultery and all, I guess that kind of scratches faith and family. As far as freedom, she tends to vote against it. Old Enough, that wouldn't surprise me too much.

  2. Oh yeah, the video is of her messing up and saying "I will stand tough against the war on terror!"
    Instead of "against terror", she mis-spoke just like Hillary does.

  3. ahh, i thought she looked like a crazy person...

  4. I've met her. She's not very smart. Just repeats whatever the RNC tells her to say. She's not my representative. I'm stuck with Tom Cole, another RNC puppet.

  5. YDG, if there was a lineup and you had to pick out the sane person, I don't think she be many peoples first choice.
    Tom's probably smarter but not any better. He almost always votes the wrong way (against our freedoms).


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