
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Help stop the escalation


Petition: No Escalation in Iraq

President Bush is about to propose to send more troops to Iraq and escalate the war. This would make things worse--getting us deeper into the quagmire. The American people sent a message in November that they want an end to the war. We, the undersigned, believe...
"Congress must act to block Bush's escalation in Iraq. We need a responsible end to the war, not an escalation."

Dear Representative and Senators,

(Your personal note)

I am opposed to an escalation of the U.S. occupation in Iraq as President Bush is reportedly considering. Escalation is the wrong answer and should be off the table. Instead we should be working to end the war and start a responsible exit. The Congress should block the president's escalation. I urge you to support legislation that would do that.
We're always bitching about Bush, now's our chance to do something!
I already signed it. Tex

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